At StoryTellers Live, we are passionate about helping women see God in the details of their lives so that they can experience an intimate, fulfilling relationship with Him.


Each message offered will allow your participants to walk away confidently knowing: 

  • Your life story is a letter to those around you from Christ showing them His faithfulness and love (2 Corinthians 3:3). 

  • Every child of God is chosen, holy, and righteous, called to proclaim His goodness (1 Peter 2:9). 

  • God’s deepest desire is for His children to live in the freedom offered by Jesus Christ - recognizing His hands at work in their past and present so that they can trust Him with their future (Galatians 5:1). 

  • We are commanded as followers of Christ to always be prepared to give a reason for the hope we have, but to do this with gentleness and respect - what better way to do this than through knowing the power of your own personal story with God (1 Peter 3:15)!


“The Power of Story”

Throughout the Bible, God has shown the characteristics of who He is through the stories of His children. Jesus Himself used stories (often called parables) as His primary form of communication when telling His followers about the Kingdom of God. In this powerful 45-minute presentation, participants will discover how God has spread the message of the gospel for centuries through the life stories in the Bible, why Jesus preferred parables over preaching, how your life is a letter from God to those around you, and why God wants YOU to play a part in His Kingdom ministry. Be inspired to know your life has purpose… You have a story only you can tell… And, your story matters!

 “Living in Freedom, Thriving in Purpose”

You were called to live a life of freedom in Jesus Christ, but what does that actually mean and how do you experience His freedom on a day to day basis? This enlightening and motivating message will encourage your participants to know that striving for God and searching for approval from the world is a lie the enemy wants to take root in your heart. But, when you live under the covering of God’s grace, fully free from accolades, acceptance, and accomplishments, you recognize your approval from God doesn’t come because of what you do, but because of what Jesus Christ has already done! When you understand this, you gain a genuine love for God, and you can accomplish the plan and purpose he has for your life 

*This presentation is a great follow-up or precursor to the StoryTellers Live Bible Study - “When God Shows Up - Discovering God in Stories of Freedom”

“Discover Your Story” Workshop

This unique workshop guides participants to:

See God in the details of their life journey by creating a timeline. Uncover highlights and turning points in their timeline where God’s love and presence was felt. Remember what God has done in their lives as they discover themes and threads of His faithfulness. Spend time with God through prayer and reflection as to how He can use their story(ies) for His glory.

Women will leave the workshop with an increased faith in God’s sovereignty, an unleashed freedom in knowing He is trustworthy and in control, and an empowered spirit to share what God has done in their life. It really is a unique time with the Holy Spirit.

“Your Story Matters” Conference

This conference, focused on participants seeing the power of their own individual story, can be tailored to your women's ministry with two or more of the following (depending on time allotted):

  • A modified version of “The Power of Story” presentation 

  • A personal story told by one of the StoryTellers Live ministry staff

  • A “Discover Your Story” workshop

  • “Sharing Your Story in Everyday Conversations” presentation

Faith For the Journey

Faith is a word commonly used to describe the essence of Christianity. It is the pathway to having a relationship with God and receiving the benefits of what Jesus has done for you on the cross. But… What does faith really mean for you as a follower of Christ, and how is it an active, integral component of your daily life? In this inspiring message, your participants will walk away with applicable tools in understanding faith as the “the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen” (Hebrews 11:1), and in knowing the difference between a faith that believes and a faith that trusts. 

This is a wonderful precursor or follow up to the Bible study “When God Shows Up - Discovering God in Stories of Faith”