Our Story

Before StoryTellers Live became a reality, Robyn, the founder and visionary behind the dream of StoryTellers knew one fact - every story matters!

God has turned what began as a small group into a worldwide movement!

In January of 2016, Robyn Kown was in a small group with some friends where each week someone would share their story of God's faithfulness in their lives. Each week, as they were vulnerable and real, something beautiful happened - they not only began seeing each other with new eyes, but they also saw each other as who God created each woman to be. And, an idea began to form - what if this could be done in a large setting?


A Ministry Birthed

When God gives you a dream and you take action - HANG ON FOR THE RIDE OF YOUR LIFE!

A year and a half after that small group, God gave Robyn the vision of holding open gatherings in her home, where a woman would share her story of an experience in her life where God met her - she simply called the event at her home, StoryTellers. Over 75 women showed up at the first gathering, and a ministry began to unfold. Women would walk away thinking, “If God did that in their life, He can do something in my life too!" As God continued to affirm the ministry, an idea of recording the stories and airing them as a podcast began to unfold. After all, the stories being told each week were working powerfully in the lives of those attending, why not allow others who couldn't attend hear them? In the Fall of 2017, the StoryTellers Live podcast was birthed.


​StoryTellers Live Communities Began

When everyday people share real and personal stories of encounters with God, lives are changed.

As the audience of the podcast grew and women in other cities across the United States heard of Robyn's idea, inquiries began to come in as to how a StoryTellers community could be developed in their city. This expansion allowed for even more women, from different areas of the country and in all walks of life, to share their stories of walking with God. Today, the StoryTellers community includes nine cities with more being added each season. God never ceases to amaze us in ALL that He's done in the ministry, and, He continues to give us vision in ways to grow the ministry so everyone will know they have a story only they can tell!


Meet Our Team

  • Before becoming the Executive Director of StoryTellers, Brecca attended live gatherings regularly, was an avid listener of the podcast and helped launch a new local community. She considers it an honor and a privilege to be a part of StoryTellers Live and to see first hand what God is doing through the simple act of story discovery and story sharing.

    Brecca values routine, logic, efficiency and neatness and is also a recovering perfectionist. She is a wife and mother to five children ages 8-16, is involved in her church and community, and enjoys deep conversation with friends over iced coffee.

  • Katie serves as the Director of Biblical Content for the ministry as well as the Director of the StoryTellers Live podcast. An avid student of God’s Word, she is also the author of STL’s unique podcast driven Bible study series, “When God Shows Up.”

    Katie is passionate about helping other women understand the Bible, see God’s goodness and faithfulness in their own life, and experience the presence of His Holy Spirit. There is nothing she loves more than when the Bible comes to life for another believer and they discover a more intimate and personal relationship with Jesus. She is a wife, mom of two adult children, leads a weekly women's Bible study, and teaches classes as an exercise trainer as well. Listen to Katie’s story HERE.

  • Robyn serves as the Director of Communities for the StoryTellers Live ministry as well as the coach for all of our storytellers before they share their story publicly at one of our live gatherings. She is the visionary behind the dream of StoryTellers and loves seeing women connect with one another and build community through the simple power of story. 

    Robyn's biggest joy is helping others see God in the details of their lives and discover how He weaves His purpose and reveals His faithfulness through their story. She is a wife and mom of three children and has a neurotic goldendoodle named Otis who we lovingly refer to as the StoryTellers Live mascot.

  • Lindy is the Director of Marketing and Engagement for StoryTellers Live overseeing multi-media and community events. Seeing God in her own story after surviving breast cancer, Lindy enjoys working with women’s ministries to motivate and encourage women to know their story and share it. 

    As a solid Enneagram 7, Lindy keeps everyone laughing, and we lovingly refer to her as our resident comic relief. She is a wife, as well as a mother with two daughters, a son and daughter-in-law, and a new granddaughter. She loves to cook, but hates to clean, and is trying to learn how to keep plants alive. Listen to Lindy’s story HERE.


The StoryTellers Live
Ministry Board of Directors:

  • Delphine Carter, President
    CEO, Bolou Solutions

  • Amanda Owens,

    Executive Director, ourHOME Alabama

  • Anna Gualano,

    Director/Principal - Littler Learning Group

  • Dee Grisham,

    Manager, Donor Development, March of Dimes

  • Dawn Curtis

  • Janet Ball

    Managing Director, Oakworth Capital Bank

  • Katie Robinson

  • Kelley Brown,
    Women’s Ministry Director, Mountain Brook Community Church

  • Kristen Torres,
    Director of Spiritual Development & Women’s Ministry, Dawson Family of Faith

Statement of Faith

StoryTellers Live is a Christian ministry where all employees and volunteers will practice Christian principles and beliefs. 

  • We believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We believe in God, the Father, and maker of heaven and earth. We believe we are sinners in need of a Savior. We believe Jesus Christ, the Savior, came to save His people from their sins.

  • We believe the Bible is God’s Word.

We believe that Scripture is written and preserved by human writers, and inspired by the Holy Spirit.

  • We believe in the principles of the Apostle’s Creed:

We believe in God, the Father Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth, And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He rose again from the dead. He ascended into Heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty, from whence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.