He Takes Care of You: A Story of Surrender :: Kahlie Metz, Ep 306
Tuning in to the Lord’s plans requires step by step surrender. In the case of Kahlie Metz from our Tulsa community, surrender was season to season and even state to state.
Kahlie shares about years of uprooting and change, including a rocky relationship with her father, lost friendships, and several moves. An actress and singer, Kahlie says to combat the spiral of busyness and stress that had become her life, she performed at home just as much as she performed on the job.
But as Kahlie started pouring into the Word, working on emotional wounds, and taking her devastations to the Lord, she found peace even in her shakeups. He began speaking clearly to Kahlie through others, and her desires began aligning to His. This Scripture-filled story will remind you: He takes care of you!
In this episode, you will learn:
—His grace is always sufficient for you.
–You can trust Him to lead you through life.
–Lean in to the Lord and He will lean in to you.