Questions About God —A Conversion Story :: Lisa Fischer, Episode 285

Are you curious about your faith? Lisa Fischer of our Fairhope community will encourage you to ask all the questions. Listen as she shares a hard but happy retelling of finding the Lord—in none other than a college biology class.

This story of curiosity and conversion starts with Lisa’s Jewish beginnings and includes a childhood touched by tremendous trauma: alcoholism, addiction, divorce, and loss.

In her dysfunctional family and dysfunctional life, Lisa longed to be known. Yet when she met Jesus, she discovered her name was written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, and being known by Him was all she needed.

In this episode you will learn:

  • God is always pursuing you and longs for you to have relationship with Him.

  • You are intimately known by God. (Psalm 139)

  • As a child of God your sin is on the cross and behind you, and there is nothing you can do to separate you from the love of Christ!

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