Love is a Verb: A Foster Care Story :: Laura Rowe, Ep. 27

When Laura Rowe, from our Fairhope community, became unsteady in her own plans, she and her family began simply saying "yes" to the next thing. Now serving as foster parents, they care for children, minister to mothers, and live out love as a verb.

Listen and learn how, in Laura’s words, “Doing God’s work is not always pretty, but what it accomplishes is beautiful.” Plus, don’t miss our bonus guest—the mother of two of the children Laura has fostered!

In this episode, you will learn:
– Instead of seeking God’s hand, start seeking His heart.
– Wondering what His plans are? Say “yes” to God today, and see where it takes you.
– Keep saying "yes" and you may find yourself living a life you never expected—and loving it.

Resources: “Every Moment Holy: New Liturgies for Daily Life” by Douglas Kaine McKelvey

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