Focus on the Good :: Tami Lindsey, Ep 267

I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. (Psalm 77:11)

Have you ever felt like everything is falling apart around you? Take heart from our Fairhope StoryTeller Tami Lindsey: “God will recycle your pain for His purpose.”

Tami shares how the Lord’s presence got her through years of trauma and tragedy. She will encourage you to focus on the beauty and blessings found in even the hardest of times. **Disclaimer:  Please listen with caution and away from little ears as this story is about suicide and abuse.**

In this episode, you will learn:
— We can choose to see the good in our difficult circumstances.
— The Lord provides His presence and His people when we walk through heartache.
— God knows the big picture, and He has a plan for our lives.

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