Help Me Jesus::Margot Shaw Ep 236

Welcome to SEASON SEVEN of the StoryTellers Live podcast!! We are thrilled to start this season off with a powerful story of redemption told at our yearly “Stories of Hope” luncheon back in March of 2023.

Margot Shaw, from Birmingham, Alabama, shares her story of growing up in an “unchurched” household, pursuing a life of partying, and ultimately getting addicted to prescription drugs. Her realness and vulnerability will encourage you to know there is absolutely nothing that can separate you from the love of Jesus, and He will always meet you exactly where you are.

* God is able to do immeasurably more than you could ask or imagine with your life (Eph. 3:20).
* When you are in the darkest place imaginable, God can still save you.
* Even when you don’t feel Him, God is always watching over you.

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