Finding Jesus and Discovering Purpose :: Jessica Weyreuter, Ep 248

As we are approaching the Advent season where we celebrate the birth of Jesus, we thought today’s podcast would be a perfect reminder of God’s pursuing love and peaceful guidance.

Former professional tennis player and founder of Dream Court, Jessica Weyerautar, from our community group in Montgomery, Alabama, shares her story of how she met God and how He has led her (and continues to lead her) to a life of purpose. Through her journey, you will be reminded that the callings God places on your life won’t always be easy, but He will always come alongside you and see you through.

- God always meets you exactly where you are.
- You don’t have to understand the Bible for God to speak to you and use you.
- The gift of peace is often what God uses when He is calling you (or not calling you) to something.

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