The Gift of Emmanuel::Jill Wiggins Ep 166

Jill Wiggins, from Birmingham, Alabama, vulnerably shares about the gift of God's grace through the beauty and the struggles of raising a child with autism. As a gifted writer and eloquent speaker, Jill paints a beautiful picture of a Father who longs to wrap His arms around you and bring you out of the shadows and into His glorious light. It's the perfect story for this Christmas season!


  • The angels sent good tidings of great joy over a Son born to suffer - to the world, that doesn't make sense, but to Believers, it's the foundation of the hope we have!

  • God longs for us to live in the sunshine of His grace, not in the shadows of our sin.

  • It's okay to say "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief" (Mark 9:24) - God understands and will answer your cry.

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