God Wants You Well::Jessica Hottle Ep 156

Finding your identity in how you look or what you do is such a common place to live from, but it's a place that will lead you into discouragement, disappointment, and despair. Finding your identity in Christ is the only way you will experience the abundant life God wants you to live.

Jessica Hottle, from Greensburg, Pennsylvania, vulnerably shares her story of overcoming the struggles she faced growing up and how they led her to finding her value and self-worth in her work, her body, and the men in her life. Her story will remind you that you don't have to live as a victim to your circumstances - you can choose to heal and allow God to free you from the lies of your past!


  • God doesn't want to help you just manage your pain - He is the pain taker!

  • Sometimes, we view busy as a badge of honor, and we become human "doings" instead of human "beings."

  • If you challenge the way you think, it will change the way you live.

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