Heaven Is So Much Better::Ashley McCrary Ep 159

Ashley McCrary, from Auburn, Alabama, shares her story of growing up rooted in the Word of God and how this foundation has prepared her for the battles she has faced in her past and in her present.
She beautifully reassures us to remember that God is in the details of life, and this world is fleeting. Through her story, you will know, without a doubt, there IS a home in Heaven waiting for you where you will experience unimaginable beauty and insurmountable love - live for eternity, because Heaven is better than this!


  • If you build your life on God's Word when the storms come, you won't be shaken.

  • The importance of Psalm 90:12, "teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."

  • God wants to tell you something every day - wait expectantly for it!

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